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Sunday, August 3, 2014

"America" The Movie: Trailer 1

Saw the movie AMERICA.     The film is based on the book America: Imagine the World Without Her written by Dinesh D'Souza.  It is a political documentary that questions and explores why history revisionists are trying to shame Americans through rewritten history, historical omissions and twisted facts.   The movie points out that changing the political views and beliefs of the citizens through misinformation is the easiest way to destroy the United States of America. 
I enjoyed the movie.  Discovered a few things I want to check out for myself.  And I recommend it to anyone looking for answers on why our country has become a nation full of people who feel entitled and have their hands out asking for more. On the negative side, the movie is going to be preaching to the choir and the people who need to have their eyes and brains opened will ignore it and talk badly about the film without even seeing it.
I am not going to blame either political party because I feel both are corrupt beyond help and things need to change.  The simple fact is that no matter how “terrible” we are led to believe that our country is, it is still the greatest country in the world.  Ask any person trying to sneak in from Mexico or any of the legal immigrants from all over the world.  No one ever says I wanted to go to Korea or China or India or Great Britain but this was my second choice.

Go see the movie.  Share your opinion with me.

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