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Saturday, August 9, 2014


Lisa wanted to buy a door with a window for the door that let's us go out the side door of the house and go downstairs to the cellar.   I figured it would be fun to try a project that would add character to the room and be in line with the olde country kitchen style she put together when we added on to the kitchen a few years ago.
Mark off the area where the cuts
need to be made.
Allow MAX to inspect
the lines to make sure that
they are correct.
Use masking tape to keep the saw blade from making splinters and tearing
wood on the door.
I hung the door back up.
MAX wanted to keep going
on adventures in the cellar.
Use clamps to hold wood strips
until the glue dries. 
Glue solid pieces of wood
inside the hollow door.
I used scrap pieces of walnut
that was left over from turkey call projects.
I purchased seeded glass from a glass store.
Lisa thinks the glass looks "older".
I used smaller pieces of wood
for the trim to hold the glass in place.
I need to find a darker stain for the outside trim pieces.
I want something closer to the walnut.

That is a quick overview of the window in the door project.  The glass was the most expensive piece.  It cost me $33.00 for the pane of glass and I cut the pieces to fit.  The outside trim and rosette corners were less than $14.00.  Existing door and scrap wood didn't cost anything.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Shaneen Allen is a single mother of two who lives in Philadelphia PA. She had been the victim of a couple of robberies in the past year. She purchased a .380 Bersa handgun and also took all of required classes to legally carry the handgun to protect herself and her family. She has no prior criminal record.   On October 1, 2013 she was stopped by a New Jersey state trooper on the Atlantic City Expressway for what was described as “an unsafe lane change” What should have been a routine traffic stop turned into an arrest.  Even though Shaneen followed the rules she had been taught in her firearms class she wasn’t in Pennsylvania anymore.  She gave the officer her driver’s license and conceal carry card.  But New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and they don’t honor other states carry permits.  Shaneen was arrested on weapons charges that could send to prison for 3 years.  She was a phlebotomist before her arrest.  She spent 40 days in jail before being released on bail.

Ray Rice was arrested in Atlantic City for beating his then girlfriend in an elevator on February 15, 2014.  He was charged with simple assault-domestic violence and released with a summons for a court date.

Why do I try to compare both of these people?  Pre-Trial Intervention plays a big role in both cases.  New Jersey offers PTI for people on their first offense in New Jersey where they show: 'This was an aberration from my normal behavior. I don't act like this. It was because of circumstances not likely to ever occur again.'   Ray Rice had his application accepted.  If he completes the course, he receives NO jail time and there will be no record of his arrest. Atlantic County Prosecutor Jim McClain denied Shaneen entry into Pre-Trial intervention, which would have allowed her to avoid prosecution. The judge said he could only overturn that decision in extreme cases, which this is not. A single working mother of two young boys who is worried about her safety and the well-being of her family now faces 3 years in jail and no chance of ever owning a firearm for protection again while a BIG TIME NFL Star walks away from obvious assault charges.

Makes you wonder if Justice needs to lift that blindfold sometime.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

"America" The Movie: Trailer 1

Saw the movie AMERICA.     The film is based on the book America: Imagine the World Without Her written by Dinesh D'Souza.  It is a political documentary that questions and explores why history revisionists are trying to shame Americans through rewritten history, historical omissions and twisted facts.   The movie points out that changing the political views and beliefs of the citizens through misinformation is the easiest way to destroy the United States of America. 
I enjoyed the movie.  Discovered a few things I want to check out for myself.  And I recommend it to anyone looking for answers on why our country has become a nation full of people who feel entitled and have their hands out asking for more. On the negative side, the movie is going to be preaching to the choir and the people who need to have their eyes and brains opened will ignore it and talk badly about the film without even seeing it.
I am not going to blame either political party because I feel both are corrupt beyond help and things need to change.  The simple fact is that no matter how “terrible” we are led to believe that our country is, it is still the greatest country in the world.  Ask any person trying to sneak in from Mexico or any of the legal immigrants from all over the world.  No one ever says I wanted to go to Korea or China or India or Great Britain but this was my second choice.

Go see the movie.  Share your opinion with me.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Backyard Flowers

So today I was working on an inside project.  (story about that once it is complete)

I was waiting for glue to dry and stepped outside with my camera to see if there was anything worth shooting in the flowerbed. These are just a few of the native wildflowers growing in my wildflower garden.  These flowers can be found in the wild around Northeast Ohio.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) and Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis).  

Purple Coneflower

Cardinal Flower
Then the sun went behind the clouds and it was time to go back inside. Sometimes it's important to just step outside and enjoy the world close to home.  Have an awesome weekend everybody!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The first of many!

Today marks my first step into the world of Blogging.  I am not sure where this will go but I can guarantee it won't be boring. 
I hope to discuss anything on my mind.  One day I might post about photography and then slide over into firearms.  Bird watching is a hobby of mine.  you will never know what to expect.

Here are a few quick peeks into the things I enjoy:
BALD EAGLE (big bird)


And all the birds in between.  I will post about travels to find birds or other interesting things.  I will write about trips to places I think people would find interesting. Places as close as Rocky River Reservation and as far away as Canada or the East or West coast.



Other subjects come to mind but this is all for today.  Feel free to ask questions or add comments.  I speak my mind and hardly ever pull any punches.  I am straight forward and usually back up my opinions with facts and sources.  So stop by whenever you feel like checking in.  I must warn you,  I do not tolerate fools or stupidity.  You are allowed to disagree with me but you need to be able to argue your points with REAL facts not opinions from your heart.  It won't always be a controversial post but I am pretty sure it will be interesting.